How colors, forms and materials can steal your mind.

An armchair seems to be a lovely furniture item for everyone. In each style.
Made by light #bamboo, smooth #fabric, with raw #wooden parts or shinny #plastic, people love to put an armchair in a corner.
They usually call a small table close to it, or a cute frame on the wall behind it to stay cool, a cozy carpet to add its personality or even a magazine/ book case on the floor to keep the groovy mood. Flowers also run to spell a romantic word to the owner.
What makes my heart melting about armchairs are all those images running in my mind, while sitting on it, doing things I still do with the same pleasure. Reading, designing or writing.
I won't forget my very 1st own reading corner, made on the right front part of my parents's living room.
A wide glass door played with the balcony area.
A serie of sand pots full of green plants and the perfect red color on short mallows.
An elegant velvet 60s armhair in deep mustard color got my admiration.
And me still being 9.
A large paper box with its fabric cover was my magical starship to heaven, each time I was running to sit there alone in peaceful quietness, getting myself lost in book stories.
Now holding a telephone also. New days - new ways to read and write.
Still great time for me.
“Do you have a special design in mind for your armchair? Whether you prefer a vintage style or a minimal modern one or you’re going for an ethnic touch, there’s a stunning plan to decorate a place for everyone.”
You have to mention how often this item is gonna be used by you.
Do you read books, letting an armchair to keep you in its hug?
Do you use to fall in it, enjoying with your cellphone on social searches?
Do you like to taste a delicious cup of tea with those chocolate cookies which bring you to your childhood?
Or this corner is a real trip to your grandma's home, feeling her around you, ready to ask you about your day, keeping the sweetest smile on her face?
Feel the material

Touching the surface of an #armchair while sitting makes your hands discover various details among #memories. You may need to wash your hands firstly. A candy image comes to your eyes. You feel like 10 years old again. Your mommy asks you not adding greasy stuff on furniture items.
You now smile and you touch the fresh flower bouquet.
Pink was your best friends's color as she used to slip inside the room at those days.
She will do the same in next seconds.
Guess what! Yes. She needs advices to make her own corner in her living room. Great, ah?
Wheather the #style you both like on the armchair, do never forget:
a nice #cushion for your waist while sitting.
It helps the health for your body.
It gives you the relaxation while you share each others great memories and ideas about decoration.
As I do with my friends in person.
When I miss the moment, they take a look at my home study course D - decoration.
P.S. If you also love to learn style and save money adding beauty in your spaces taka a free look here. Smile!I made it for you.

Creatively Yours,