Creative actions improving your dreams.

The leg jogs the balcony door. The window opens to let fresh air jumping in the room.
A deep breath. Closed eyes. The skin hair feels the early morning aura causing each sense.
A new day touches down but the bed hugs tight the body. Time to do works.
“Do you have any serious opinion about cats? Whether you prefer a cute but naughty kitten or you smile at a bigger fat, hairy and pretty one, you often feel that the DNA of these two existences is common to yours.”
You probably laugh at this moment but had you ever thought how this pet lives like a rebel, evoluter, soldier, bold creature or ambitious survivor?
Read again the 1st paragraph
Stepping like a cat means you have to add elegant movements.
This walking is something more that a chic way to get meet places.
You have to match the size, the speed, the quality of your words.
Even adding fine actions in your whole attitude.
Just to let your life plan creating you suitable, to events taken part among other people.
So, where is that huge difference between human beings and cats?
Didn't you feel the description in the 1st paragraph as ideal as equal for people?
But why? What is this cat-method made about?
A clever schedule?
Foxy results getting all that you want?
Dare to grab the chance?
Melting in good luck's sweet times?
A truth in life option?
The feeling of the winner?

Feeling like a cat. ''Being careful'' is the secret.
Isn't it a simple phrase?
This is the pure way to win in life.
Measuring your thoughts like being a cat's moustache. If she can pass by a crack without getting hurt, then she is able to continue to her destination.
You also play the trill and you decide balanced good actions on issues.
If she delicately walks on sure steps, then she arrives in time and on purpose.
Like you when you set a list of priorities, staying fair but creative.
If she meets your smile, then she can safely put her forehead in your palm for caress.
So you do. If you read supportive vibes on people's heart boarding, then your feelings close the umbrella of your bad ego.
You stay under a love rain.
And you go on in life being a nice person.
With your craziest dreams getting true.
A cute, smart survivor, feeling mature and winner in life goals.
Think smart.
Creatively yours,
Is any pet attitude you borrow in your life, to get goals?
Feel free to answer here and share the post in your social pages.
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