Create your own fashion and smile to your unique image.

Welcome to your #free_style and opinion. Use this tip to be #original. Connect with your people and your best mood in a way that’s current and interesting. Think of it as an ongoing conversation where we can share updates about #fashion, #trends, needs, and more.
“Do you have a #design in mind for your new #outfit? Whether you prefer a #trendy_look or you’re going for a more #calm_style - there’s a #stunning_style for everyone.”

You’ll be saving lots of images from #social_pages, #magazine_pages, moments from #TV. Then you try to mimic #celebs. Never mentioning your special charisma or details on #bodies, shape and #habits.
Create Your Own Trends
Styling by your own is a great way to position yourself as an authority in your #outfit_field and #captivate_attention. Do you want to improve your long legs wearing pants? Consider tops and blouses that focus on the waist following the body lines. You can also add #accessories like hats, belts, jewels. Don't mimic other people. Make them better follow your style, than setting yourself in a step to follow them.
Originality gives your a #voice, so let your #personality shine through.
Dare to #be_different.
Are you ready to get stunning? Simply create a new but fresh image now,
mentioning just your taste out of rules and trends from others.
Had I told you how much beautiful you look, when you smile?
Do you like the original Style?
I'd love to hear from you.
Drop me a line here or even in e-mail.
It's great to exchange views on topics.
P.S. 1. I am here for you, if you have Questions on how to find solutions in daily strange issues styling causes to us.
Living in style means to add beauty on us, saving money at the same time.
You 'll find more and more in study course F - fashion or S - styling together.
I 'll be happy to help you.
Just Ask me.
NEXT free GIFT ?
''A Smart Styling Agenda'' for you to look amazing doing easy combinations in shopping. Coming...

Creatively Yours,