Details of ideal - easy - daily bags!
Lady's tips for basic bags
I'm LadyCat WellFeedStomach.
Milagros's styling assistant. 🌟
I am a lover of fashion accessories.
My legs got involved in messy situations among bags.
Bags are my best items, specially when they are put on the floor.
( I also adore paper bags but Milagros never let me play with them...)
Her serious excuse is the noise I make when I try my nails on them.
So I stay calm & stylish.
Of course, I have the ability to open bags but the main point is 1:
Not every bag is ideal for your daily image.
Some times I wonder about ugly creations worn by fashionistas.
Here you get lessons for your smart style.
My suggestion for a basic, easy, lovely, daily, cute bag is to get your focus on these details:
smooth surface ( to wipe / clean it safely )
medium / small size ( ideal at any hour )
try to fit your both palms ( storage ability )
simple details on opening parts ( to mix & match styles )
quality on metallic details ( to avoid breaking )
basic / neutral colors ( for easy combinations in styling )
long bag strap to try it in many ways ( tie it or try the postal style )
extra inside pockets ( to hide money )
zips on the previous inside cases ( great for your coins or worthy things )
logical price ( no crazily expensive - no ridiculous cheap )
fabric case to keep it when it's not used ( use an old pillow case, instead )
My interview was based on a bag.
Think of the picture...
Months earlier...
I 've just entered from Denia's balcony as I do daily.
All the women of the house arrived at home next. Marya, Denia & Joy.
Someone left the bag appearing on the left in photo on the office chair.
I swear I 'm not a cat causing damages and you have to believe me but
I'm sincere enough to say that I wished to see what the bag keeps inide.
And my wish came true!!! Yes!
The bag slipped by itself on the floor. My leg helped to open.
And I saw a snack just delicious for me '' Lady, the only lovely pet there ''.
Marya effectively had safe plans for the bag.
She hanged it on the wall.
Right after I lied down on Denia's newspapers, denying to move.
No way, girls. I won't stand up.
And then I saw the other bag on the wall, trying to reach it.
It also keeps cute details like golden chains & a decorative ball in the front part.
The next words had to do with my interview.
I love fashion & I demand a symphony.
Deals - Hands - Legs given. Hugs.
I 'll share from now my tips to you, with Marya...
... with catlove!
Lady. 🌟
And if you are a creative person
who Loves Fashion & Decoration
but tries hard to save money to live well,
You just need to save each program and discover a new artistic world within your cellphone, laptop, notebook, e.t.c. in next days. 🌟
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