Dare your pure feelings about daily needs and get the solution you deserve to create your ideas.
The way people build their dreams again when a sudden unlucky time season ruins their daily routine. The courage we all get even mentioning simple moments, things, habits. Appreciation and feelings are the trophy while facing a pandemia.

The wish
"... strangely approached by the ear, to catch that strange language, that the foliage with the docks speak to each other. Near the waves with the natural materials. In their own dialect.
The Greek alphabet rules the picture.
Alpha for the amazing view and Veta for the calmness.
Gama catching the sweet moment of a hug and Delta for the transparency of love.
Natural colors and salty aromas. Marine style.
And you come there to count old quarters, hot under the sun.
Scattered memories full of music and words.
Plans for this year's relaxation moments as well.
Or shopping about adding this marine or any other style at your house''.
With company, feeling very happy, with songs and creations?
Or alone with the inspiration to shake your head?
Be Quiet! Keep real images and travelers - truths alive.
The melody exists inside you. Your destination is creative.
Because it quenches your thirst for life.''
The fact
''No any Covid 19 or any other health trouble should put your positivity, hope, mood and progress down. The humanity gives a hard test to survive. Our wallet fights against poverty but our brain cooks ideas.
Good ideas.''
It could be a chapter of a novela but this is your wish in some day now.
Read more to learn why.
I love people who dare to dream even among hard times.
Like this new trouble on health we all face in the universe right now.
No matter if you follow those who deny to accept the existance of the Covid-19.
No matter if you feel scared of all this madness washing and wearing properly your protective mask on your face.
We all need to make pictures in our mind.
Pictures of the simple life, we all used to have before the virus and now we are called to appreciate that fact more than ever.
And it is true that some people had never faced before or face now an easy day.
Because they are always sick. Always in therapy mode.
We shout out about working crazy problems, keeping companies, stores & services off/closed to the clients. Some people have always a work - madness to fight to.
Or they are always searching for a job.
They get hurt behind closed doors, they are poor even being clever with benefits.
Please, people, think twice when you put yourself in a negative thesis.
Keep the hope.
Of course it is your pure due to help others standing proud in their life needs.
It is time to transform your attitude to an adult one.
To be just a good person.
To feel nice.
To sleep easily and calm at night.
As people mentioning you in their prayer, you realize that people are made of gold, when they decide to try their worthy material.
Puting appart their ego they can do miracles.
And all of us have talents to spend time out and inside our own spaces with interesting moments. If you ask me, I could just tell you that I feel heavenly happy as my help to my lovelies makes them creative and smiley.
Without even feeling by myself that I gave help since years.
I had to do a really long discussion with them, to realize that all humans can do their best about their daily habits, like personal treatment, styling, decoration with love, talent, ideas and fun. Fun is the best part in this journey.
The truth
“It's not about time or company. Money can not buy moments of happiness, even it sounds romantic. Even living in the pandemia year, life is sweet. People make it sweeter day by day within words and habits, always close to other people.”

You can do it.
The kitchen room I feel is now the most popular in your house.
Had you ever thought during this time season to renovate it?
To beauty its look with new hand-towels or a new curtain?
A new small carpet or fresh pictures on its wall?
Your kids will love to sketch eggs, tomatoes, apples or any food on a simple paper.
You can hung them easily using glue on a cotton ribbon.
Put your colorful pillow cases on the seat and make your chairs happy.
Add those single sheet on the window using sewing pins to refresh the style of the room.

So easily and free.
So relaxing doing it with family or friends.
Among cakes, cookies and fruit juices.
Try the moment, people.
Enjoy the Covid19 , the limited time staying at home.
Rest but don't spend days on doing nothing, thinking negative about everything.
As you see colors and surfaces speak to our lives.
We all live like heroes in a novela without even knowing it.
Not bad.
Add art in your day and meet the creative you.
Find the time to love your house, decorating it simply and effectively.
Just for fun.
Just for a smile.
Just to feel your ability to do things happening for good reasons.
*And let me info you that you can discover
my helpful full Seminar / Home Study Course- soon available in written files- to learn and get yourself expert in the lovely creative decoration world.
How do you keep the kitchen room clean and interesting during the pandemic time?
Do you love or hate changing often your kitchen decoration?
Do you follow any creative tips to do little changes just to refresh its style?
Whose help you get when you feel the messy storm coming close to you in this lovely room?
Please feel free to answer me here and share the article to your social pages,
if you think it would be a good advice to your lovelies.
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Blessings to you!