Even being a man or a woman, discover the worthy habit of following beauty tips, to add confidence plus health to your skin

Today we will talk about secrets of makeup. The sardonic although genuine smile of the stylist (with the unruly tooth) you will accept, because truths will spoil the ideal atmosphere of some make-up artists, but they make us lovable. No one eats the lie and every filter saved zero in real life.
“The important thing is to have mastered your insecurities. To love yourself at any age, image and situation.''
You will respect the professionals in the field. Even in the ambition or eccentricity they may have, they know what suits you or not. Covering scars or discolorations is a process that requires opinion and knowledge as well as effort and talent together.
If the makeup artist is also a #beautician, then you will listen to his advice.
Take care is the firstly - add beauty is the secondly goal to your skin
The experienced #professional person takes care of cleansing and removing dead skin cells with cleansing gels, #soaps or #creams / emulsions and then with exfoliating products (peeling / gommage) in a cream or a soap. This way will keep a clean, smooth, glowing skin, so that it spreads beautifully everything in the makeup you put on it, without oiliness and stains or dehydrated or irritated spots.
And where there is a problem, the right professional will refer you to a #dermatologist. It will also teach you to highlight your features with colors and textures that are ideal for you.
''The other important thing is to respect any problems of your skin. To love it healthy after shaving times, after heavy atmosphair, after a night in a club or after the running sweat during your worktime.''

If you do not like the makeup time, do not put it on you.
This alone opinion, however, will not make you authentic. Please mention these points:
Do not mislead people with this poem.
Do not #judge the lovers of make up as fools, either.
#Grooming is not bad.
And if you meet people at their very young age you accept exaggeration. They are still looking for stimuli and expressing their cute weirdness, to find their style.
If you like excessive contouring, powdering, baking as you see it in celebrities - who sometimes help their careers with it ( Madonna, Lady Ga ga, Kiss, etc ) do it right.
You will make sure that your mother recognizes you when you go home and do not scare your partner, who will wake up the next day with you.
Do not put #men out of this treatment status. They also keep a skin to love and treat to.
Moments dedicated to treatment and #beauty hours is a total right to people. It is a real need and useful time in our life.
All love their best themselves in front of their mirror and their doctor, also.
#Women, men & kids ask about their special field to grow in and fertilize their beautiful development in years.

And because as a #stylist I should probably leave a point of view as objective as possible, I will say, that I dare and choose a photo of my own for my article here, with the imperfections of my 40+ years. Natural #lip #color on face, but with five coats of #mascara ( seeing you laughing, now, but mascaras are absolutely lovely products ). The matte lipstick texture without the use of make-up and filters are o.k. Which is the reason? It's because I can not choose a single celeb for the text, which generalizes the subject. I always mention many of famous stars or models in their own various styles.
After all, a real photo is appreciated more, especially with an honest and provocative note, that now for a photo many literally fall off a cliff: for the lie and the abstention of likes in social pages.
It would be cunningly efficient for me (as for everyone ) to play smart dirty, but it would not be part of me/ them. It would not be me, as i do in life, anyways. So after we do our makeup, as we think and can, one step remains only in the aftermath: the very good makeup removal!
3 steps - 3 secrets
In order not to burden our skin. To treat it smoothly.
To feel your skin clean and relaxed. Adorable. Tender.
Tiredness runs out of it. It's a pretty face skin ready for a kiss or a sweet touchy movement.
What about a strange attitude about men's makeup?
Some men feel sometimes shy or not bold enough to add a beauty bag in their closet. The stereotype of past years learnt them to add rough attitude about their skin treatment. Even they like to do the step exact people around them may laugh at them.
Not unusual to see men approaching their dermatologist or cosmetic stores just to ask about acne nasty results on their skin. People judge everything even living in modern times.
I often feel badly shocked hearing people denying those man, who keeps his own special face cream or a kohl pencil for eye makeup.
Or even a small bottle of colored cream about spots on their skin.

Men and women who get close in touch daily to people usually follow a strict dress code.
How to stand close to others if your personal #treatment doesn't show your own #respect to your #skin? It sounds important because it is. If you are #clean you are pleasant to others, you cause positive vibes to all.
Imagine a real estate manager or a model coach, a pastry seller or a beautician, an actor, a fruit deliver each of whom needs to look the better he/ she can. A great skin #appearance shows a great #healthy status. All, though, keep the right to show their better or their best of themselves. The job is just an example mentioned here.
Some people connect #makeup themes just to women. This sounds me wrong. To avoid receiving the gossip. From people who don't accept easily men who search about products like these and open their mouth widely to send big bad words to others.
There is a happy time. It's now so easy and simple to see men adding products specialized in their needs and preference into the super market basket.
A man feels happy, at last, to spend his free afternoon on #shopping.
As exactly women feel to. Maybe doing the shopping together.

( Photo: Tomp of Ramose - Egypt )
That is fair and nice. It is so clear searching in the ancient past time that men (Cretans ) who lived in #Crete, the #Greek island and also #Egyptians did their own makeup adding even fake #hair to keep their beautiful image. So why men now have to hide this #habit, need or choice?

( Photo: #Knossos Palace { Wall picture } - Crete Island / Greece )
Keep in mind
Think of you the next time you see a man or a woman equally searching to stores about makeup cute products. Put yourself in their thesis. And ask yourself when, why from whom you would like to take advice or suggestion. About the #color on your skin or its treatment. For no reason. Just to feel nice. Just to #look great. Just to get a sense of #elegance.
Have a good time and have fun, ladies and gentlemen! (Yes, some gentlemen also emphasize their #face, using make up. Why not?)
Who does your makeup? Or you do hate it?
What is your lovely style in makeup, if you try it?
Do you know men who put makeup on their face?
Please feel free to answer me here and share the article to your social pages,
if you think it would be a good advice to your lovelies.
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Blessings to you!