
Hi, friends.
This is a picture I suddenly saw on an advertisement.
Great thoughts filled my mind...
Dreams in kitchen seem like this...
Not only would I put my lovely music to you,
but also from such a crazy #amazing_kitchen, I would prepare you delicious #meals and more! Put me in a #stylish_cool_kitchen like this and i 'll serve you my best plates.
Laugh guys, smile...😍🧐
Very trendy and so black this kitchen room makes me feel jealous.
It would suit with my whole view on the color black in a general option.
You now see a #black_kitchen concept in very dark shades, in an also simple luxury design. Geometric forms and practicality.
Appreciate Milagros who loves to write articles about decoration tips.
And let Marya be (purely) burst out that she didn't make her own kitchen room like this.
I also love mine but there was another serious option about my real room there, so I couldn't avoid to.
Traditional simple kitchens in villages look lovely, too.
Their smell take our breath away adding sweet memories.

And let those who say that they would suffer to something with so much blackness ...
And laugh only at them, ok? They can't feel its beauty.
But I liked THIS black #KITCHEN desperately, what's wrong???😂
And I wanted to show to you a dark elegant kitchen, just to admire it.
Black color in a kitchen room looks great here, doesn't it?
Do you love dark colors for kitchens?
I 'd love to hear from you.
Drop me a line here or even in e-mail.
It's great to exchange views on topics.
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who Loves Fashion & Decoration
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