When we talk about home - house - #kitchen room is not about the decoration only.
Fashion takes its part and practicality its own part, too.

Things are so simple when words come around food, meals, dinners and tastes.
Create and taste the best easy small meals ever & do economy keeping your health in a good level.
1.''People meet each others.
They are happy when talking about food''
We won't tell useless words.
You need to save the list.
Just do it.
2.“ Food is a way to appreciate life.
Food is a kind of art.''
The GREEK way is always the best one.
MONDAY - Two slices of wholemeal bread with spinach leaves, a slice of tomato and slices of unsalted cream cheese, made like a toast.
TUESDAY - A small bread, cut in half with a teaspoon of olive oil and a little oregano with a slice of turkey, slices of carrot and slices of cucumber put in it.
WEDNESDAY - A slice of bread with a cream on it - made by an equal amount of one teaspoon each butter & honey - you put it in a safe container with cover so that it does not stick.
THURSDAY - 2 seasonal fruits or/ and a yogurt with pieces of fruit that you will cut, when you eat it.
FRIDAY - Cream with 2 melted bananas, a half of teaspoon cocoa or cinamon, hazelnuts or other.
SATURDAY - Yogurt with a teaspoon of cocoa and a teaspoon of honey with apple pieces in it.
SUNDAY - 1 boiled egg with a slice of wholemeal bread and small cubes of Feta ( the original Greek cheese ) or other tasty cheese like cheddar or edam in a container with lettuce salad all sprinkled with 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
Actually there is a fine point to make me be careful at the moment.
I am just writing in live time this post now here and I realize that this may be my simpliest or stressless blog article ever.
I do really enjoy the snack time.
Made with deep love from the bottom of my heart, to show you my country culture in easy snacks.
I like to be honest always to people.
Here there are snacks I prepare by myself to my lovelies without risking;
health issues,
money expenses
nasty experiences on strange tastes
useless food shopping list
time / money wasting
fights on the kitchen floor
Kitchen should be stylish but our daily time is worthy and we need to relax, also in this room.
Get plus infos here about my full seminar - home study course D- decoration
to create by yourself
the most smart and stylish kitchen room ever.

So it's time to learn your kids taking care about their snacks.
Make them feel the worth of nutrition themes.
You can try a diet based on these snacks.
You can add this creative time as a habit in your life to better your health.
You save money trying materials you like at the quantity you need.
You can try your skills after many time - to remember perhaps previous adventures - in cooking.
May I let you to save the list in the way you like to?
You could run at stores now to buy bread or anything else...
Copy, share, comment, ask about anything you need.
I'll be here for you.
---> I promise to you a new e- book
coming soon with easy quick & full time meals - suggestions
absolutely based in The Greek Cuisine.
What do you use to take as a snack at work or at home?
Had you ever put your health in danger eating meals full in fat and bad ingredients?
Do you spend much money on snacks?
Please feel free to answer me here and share the article to your social pages,
if you think it would be a good advice to your lovelies.
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Blessings to you!