Handmade & Lovely Tree Decoration.

The magic moment when touching the #Xmas_tree, brings me to my #childhood.
There is no happier event than holding tree's #ornaments.
Trying to reach the top.
What about your lovely top tree piece?
Pure celebrative mood fills up these days. Glowing materials, flashy colors, magic ribbons come and the glitter rules like the protagonist on an emotional theatrical event.
Do you still keep the smiley child inside your heart?
I do, but things weren't super amazing at the whole time in my life.
Follow me to find the #emotional path which guided me to art.
To be artist by my early years.
I'm so shy to reveal that I didn't be able always to buy new or more ornaments for the Xmas tree. But when the money misses - the brain swims in the inspiration ocean.
It was a smashing awesome time for me -during all the year- to collect strange materials.
Just on this purpose: to create ornaments.
To create by own gorgeous #Xmas_scenery.
Can you imagine what I could keeping inside my puffy drawers?
Can you think how many sketches I made to have a plan on creation at the Xmas time?
To cause my fantasy.
To focus on my #art.
To feel the innocence of making gifts for home.
To save money for some little things, which were beautiful, but not practical for all the year.
We love themes like Xmas only for a few days.
Guess a main list of these beauties.
Let's create for Xmas 2021 the most creative small masterpieces.

1. Wooden slices
Just cut them.
Write wishes on them.
Make a hole on the upper part.
Add a ribbon to hung.
Glue a piece of green.

2. Paper gifts
Wrap small pieces of carton or paper.
Use sparkling wrap-paper.
Tie with a golden or any impressive ribbon.
Try various shapes to give interest.

3. Icons
Put parts of icons on balls.
Cover by varnish to keep it clean and safe.
Devotion to your God is a good action.

4. Tiny embroidery
Create a design on a piece of cloth.
Use glow to put in a fame.
Add lace around the pretty craft.
Use words full in positivity or things you are wanna to minimize into the next year.

5. Trees on candles
Just give the shape onto broken pieces from the tree.
Add white color for snowy effect.
Push them in small candles in aluminum base.
Don't light them, please.
They look stunning when made 3 or more.
Put together.
Meet your creativity and enjoy with people.
Invite your kids, friends or grannies.
What's that dreamy smell?
The Kitchen Spirit sings!
''Cookies are ready, lovelies!!! ''
Xmas times 're coming soon.
''- We love this moment ! '' is the boss phrase on everyone's lips.
Life is an ornament, also.
What 's your best Xmas ornament looks like?
Answer me here or in the e-mail.
Come to connect by socials, too.
(links: at the bottom of the site).
💌 And if you like to
1. Ask me or to
2. Create your beautiful world &
Save a lot of money every day,

Creatively Yours,