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Fashion Model


styling - combinations
shopping tips
wardrobe organization
famous outfits

repair - transformation
materials - colors
patterns - creations

easy sewing

Male Fashion Model



Lovely F.

F builds words like fashion, funky, fanky, fabric, fame, family.


And fashion is like a flower with smart petals. Each one has to do with creative paths.

You walk on them taking portions of elegance and confidence.

If you ask about its importancy then stand up in front of your mirror.

Wanting to like what you see in it?  Any desire to be a million of pictures? 

You can do it! Playing roles with colors, fabrics and moods. 

Come with me to a fancy trip among easy, smart, quick and creative styles.


You took your bath, relaxing your senses and now you open the wardrobe to dress you up.

No matter where you have to go.

The sad point is that even you did fresh shopping,

you swear you have nothing ideal to wear on.

Does this phrase reminds your voice? Mine, also! Always.

Each day I keep that cartoon smile whispering I have nothing good to try on ...


And the most usual next phrase is...

I need clothes. And shoes.

And a bag. 2 bags, maybe.

Plus jewels,

a belt,

a hat,

a coat,...

Oh, I need a new wardrobe.

May I sing it? ''I want it all, I want it aaall, I want it aaaaall and I want in nooowww!''

Suddenly an emotional rain covers me. And I am 8 y.o. again in my not rich but not poor either, bedroom. My lovely parents do their best for me and my brothers. They 've got 3 kids in their family, though, so daily life gets hard in supplies, food, clothes and more... 

Want to know the most hard issue? The age gap. You know, what that means. 

Many years in age among brothers can't help, if decades separate kid's birth times and each others can not use or exchange common things.


''MONEY WANTED'', features as the top title - logo on a panel hunged on the wall, over your bed, to remind you everything you need in a daily base. You laugh, ah? Me, too! Just now!

So many songs with this title: ''Money!''

Some times I think it would be smart to be a DJ, just to feel rich within these titles, including ''money'' in them.

You won't believe! = I felt so hurt in the past. Let me explain.

You smile, guys, but at 8, you only suffer by the noisy, silly, hard bullying behavior you receive from those snobbish classmates, who love to stump you by strong words.

Imagine yourself being just 8, admiring the vitrine on a kid store boutique, whose the owner is the mom of Valerie. Who is Valerie? An enemy at school, who likes to criticize your styling, just cz she is able to wear all the pretty clothes collection, directly taken from her own store.

But I didn't own any cloth store. Not all kids are able to keep one store. 


The store stood there to remind you that you should pay hard to take items.

And she can get all of them by free. Sharing her rude words, too!

To make all girlie eyes getting wet by their nasty feeling of being disable to buy all those beautiful items. The trendy denim pair of trousers with lace, the sweet coat with beads on the sleeves, the shoes with glitter and the hair accessories with bows which used to knock my dream's door by force, to get me in a nightmare. Feeling like a loser.


Just feel it... It could be you. Your child. Your niece. Your grandchild.

Even now feel it at work, as adult, seeing co - workers having the perfect look but your salary never helps you to buy more. Or you may face the rude cousin, who appears often in a bright new outfit, with not a logical explanation on how he can effort so hard expenses on his look.

I still remember Valerie's attitude at school, pretending the lucky princess. Getting bad with all of us, who used simple outfits. Our family were not able to buy many items, so we seemed poor, not cool, ordinary and not minimal in front of her eyes.

Wish she had a nice behavior but she always put her poison word on her arrow, sent deeply in our hearts, to cause us pain. 

There is an old Greek inspirable quote, saying this:

If your God doesn't gift you wealth, He hugs you with a rain of smart ideas.

And this is the absolute truth.


Think what happened next! Decisions.

I kept all my ideas, (as you probably do, too) organized in a notebook for each circumstance. To ''dress me up'', because... ''I had style'' (following Madonna's vintage top hit song), to look modern, to create more and more clothes and useful material for me and my lovely friends.

Promoting my very own 1st fashion collection and ideas for myself and other girls.

Yes, you read correctly. Fashion and more, created by 8.

With all my teachers from the elementary school as clients, who paid me well for this work.

If this is possible and effective for a cute kid, why not getting possible for you, also?

Make it a movie in your mind. The sewing machine waits my mom to go out.

Scissors call little Milagros both taking action. Fabrics climb on the kitchen table.

And needles try to build shapes. The plug cord sings and creations get real.

This is an adorable world. And then... mom comes back at home.

''Mom Came Back Home, People!''

To discover that the lace curtain is a rebel.

It shows now another I.D. featuring as a long shirt.

​Here is the time someone can measure the speed he needs to get from his home to the next flat, to ask the good neighbor to protect him. And at this same time his mommy has the dare chance to try her skills in opera music, screaming at the guilty artist - destructor (me) that I sacrificed home items for his own crafts. 

You laugh out loud, people! I can hear you...

Please accept a presentation, too:

I created pure, useful, daily art and essential items. My thoughts were practical and easy, full of inspiration and safety and getting hot results. The half curtain looked great on the window and a new shirt came in my wardrobe spending for itself the amazing round zero. 0 on expenses to earn a new cloth and a curtain renovation. Not bad. That became my favorite sport/ habit/ work/ talent from those day and next... And a study/ job opportunity after some years. 


Let me entertain you next. Wanting the end of Valerie's story? She asked to be my client. 

The cold, snobbish girl, the boutique owner, the rich princess asked me to create for her in person. Paying for unique items made by whatever material or techniques and feeling lovely to get rare things made just for her.


Not bad at all, mentioning the most worthy lesson by this story.

A new friendship came from the impossible.

Creations really bring people closer.

Yes, this was the best feeling ever. 

So this can be a life deal, a huge good life lesson:

to test your abilities, 

to find your talents,

to use your brain,

to inspire people,

to fill your needs,

to help people,

to look great,

to feel rich, 

to live in a nice mood, plenty of everything, being as elegant as other people look, in budget, not letting sadness about wealth and materialism to ruin your life moments. 

Not to save money only. There is a miraculous fact when you rule your own life.

You feel able, talented, brave, expert to solve troubles.

Suddenly you welcome a hidden worthy part of yourself.

You can also help other people or you may tie relationships with others

if you exchange help, advice, time and creativity.

And here, guess... I just told you about...



It is easier than you think, cheaper than it's needed, smarter than ever, more practical than it seems learning by a professional content that stays yours. To check it as many times as you like, using tips. Changing your style and needs at your spaces with clever combinations and tricks.

It is a study course in a price that is very attractive to make it yours and so enjoyable to teach you keeping all info in lists. Clear like a catalog to see quickly in boards what you have to follow to get the style you love to. Add all those benefits, as they are written in previous colored texts and you realize the value of the offered program here. 

I am going to share a secret with you. Spending money for any issue with no guidance is like swimming in the ocean with no lifeguard. You can not select when and how, by where and what you need to add to the daily styling. The worst point is to create an expensive style finally but owing to huge debts with hard reason. Then you can't dare to go out or to do shopping for home, trying better quality on your food, other equipment, personal treatments, enjoying trips or interesting lessons on a subject you need.

Even the visiting times at a gym could sound like a luxurious habit.

Don't you think you deserve these and more? You need more & please don't miss them.


What if you keep your own family, kids and they ask you for sports training courses or books and more? Sad moments are those you need to explain to young people about hard situations they get but YOU are the responsible one. Here is the point.

It's amazing to feel confidence and rule your own life. Your daily needs, wearing what makes you feeling great. With beautiful things in your wardrobe. Or inviting friends to create fashion together. Or working from home on this subject. To talk about style, to have a party. Doesn't sound ideal?

And at the same time you feel stylish, real money in cash rest in your wallet.  














myths & truths



patterns - tips




  • Here is the place & the time to get Answers at your Questions.

  1. Who is this study course for?

  2. Is this study course online or in person?

  3. Can I do this so on my own time?

  4. Is this study course good for beginners?

  5. What about people with education - skills on these fields?

  6. Why the study course is offered at such a steep discount?

  7. Who can I contact if I keep more questions about this study course?

  8. Can I get benefits if I am interested in more than one study course?

  9. How can I have access to the study course?

  10. When I could start? Are there any dates to follow?

  11. Is there any final test to try my skills after my focus to the study course?

  12. Shall I get the free weekly material from the site while I study the course? 

  • Answers at your Questions are here for you.

  1. This study course is created with love and helpful purpose for everyone who loves fashion and beautiful things to wear on. The age of the person who is interested in this material does not rule on skills. Even a very young kid can understand the easy way this course is written. If you are a mom or a student, a teacher or a builder, a farmer or a seller you will enjoy meeting your own ability to create beauty. Trying everything the course provides to you to feel rich in your outfits. Saving smart money for a lovely new life style, you would never believe you could live.

  2. This study course is online. You feel comfortable to have access to it, without spending time on getting to other places. You relax in your lovely room corner and you enjoy it. Just download & save. Study later even without internet connection.

  3. Of course you can focus on the course whenever you like to. No reason to run it in limited time. You decide when you feel ready to try it.

  4. This study course is great for beginners, as the simply way all the material is provided helps everyone to try it. You may not know any name of materials, colors, styles or anything related to them. Never mind. Few hours later the magic of the subject will make you happy. You could feel confidence, listing things like a professional. Your hidden talents will guide you to elegance and good economy. 

  5. People with education / skills on these fields will find the study course absolutely helpful in their life. It is important to have a full option on the subject you love, doing tests and using the course like a worthy personal notebook within its examples and its whole knowledge included in.

  6. This study course is offered at such a steep discount because it is an adorable, helpful, full summary of a larger study course which gets prepared for later in time. It is a real chance for everyone to grab to, as it almost keeps a precious material anyways.

  7.  If you keep more questions about this study course, if you like to get in examples and stuff about all the artistic work of Marya, you can contact directly within e- mail or social links. 

  8. Yes, you can get benefits and special prices, if you are interested in more than one study courses taking them as an ideal pack put at discount. Ask about more details contacting by e- mail.

  9. You can have access to the study course by the site here, on its exact page following the links and buttons. 

  10. You can start the study course right after your payment. At the time your payment receipt is sent to our e-mail and will appear there, you can start at the moment. Immediately. There are not any exact dates to follow. You let your free time to rule on.

  11. An enjoyable final test exists for you to try your skills after your focus to the study course. It is linked within social sites of the creator and you can try it again and again like a game, to feel sure about keywords and other stuff related to the subject. There are info in the study course to follow.

  12. Surely, you get the useful, free, weekly material from the site while you study the course, like each visitor or subscriber of the site gets it properly. 


  • 15 + 12 units = 27 clear parts analyzing everything you need to understand about fashion and styling.

  • To feel lucky about the chance you get to change your life. Not just to study.

  • To add style in your moments. Even you are a woman, a man or a child.

  • To save money by yourself, like being an expert.

  • Because you can do it.

  • Units - parts with exact titles and material to feel the smart way to live with fashion & beauty.

  • Here is the lovely list you will love to check.

  • This is the way for you to have fun in each outfit you had imagined to try on your appearance. 

       15 Units:

  1. What is fashion. What we mean in general and in parts when we use this word and the whole explanation about the rich subject included in it.

  2. Why fashion affects to your life. How you feel wearing a cozy cloth or a trashy one and why. 

  3. People and attitude about fashion. How to face criticism about your taste in style and why you need to answer them.

  4. Myths & truths about fashion. What to ignore and what to mention to when you think about changes in your styling.

  5. Styles and fashion. Lovely list of each style you had ever imagine that exists with lists of keywords and precious details.

  6. How to find your favorite style in fashion and how to avoid a mess.

  7. Safety, health, Eco - fashion, comfort, habits, simplicity, luxury and serious first thoughts, whatever you decide to follow in your style.

  8. Worthy shopping in fashionable items. What to ignore and leave behind your thoughts and what to appreciate in fabrics or paterns.

  9. Useless shopping and how to stay away of bad things to save money and style at the same time.

  10. D.I.Y. and examples. Crafts and adorable, easy, practical creations. Funny times with your lovely people trying art & economy.

  11. Appreciation and emotions while styling. Feel deeply what you use in a daily mode and be the great human your heart loves to clap for.

  12. What to mention in deals with sewers, designers, artists, sellers and advisors about fashion and how to escape by nasty deals.

  13. Expenses & savings. Examples in lists. Which objects/ accessories/ pieces you can use instead of another for many reasons and occasions.

  14. Ways to increase your creativity in stylish mood. How you can win the goal to create an amazing outfit to dress on without spending more & more time, money, sweat and pain with no reason.

  15. Be you. Show your unique personality in each item you wear on. Your leather sandals can travel your mind in exotic places, your soft cotton floral shirt can make you feel like resting in a 5 star resort hotel, your lace dress brings you to sensual moments and your new hair cut makes you looking like a celeb. Even using 3 clever tips in each of your outfits. All are possible. And you are the owner of your abilities & habits.       

       +12 Units:

  1. Fashion items, clever easy pieces. What you need in each style.

  2. Styles in fashion. Trends.

  3. Full list of details with keywords from each one.

  4. Fabrics and decorative tips. Repair, patterns.

  5. Colors and materials. Ideas, transformation.

  6. How to select an ideal, easy style in your daily outfit. Think smart.

  7. Combination in styles. How to create pure art. Add personality in each image.

  8. Deals. Who can help you in creations? Whom you are lucky to ask for it?

  9. Sales, offers, clever shopping, items you can use for a lifetime. Avoid tricks. 

  10. Smart shopping using reasons, logic, a smiley wallet and your talent in points.

  11. Worthy tips to appreciate close people, items, skills, chances, views of life. Your dreams which scream to you to make them a true realism.

  12. Feel happy starting new habits, personal treatments, trips, education and opportunities to useful experiences, like keeping a cute pet, new gadgets, skills or even a new job. In this free time with your saved money you create by yourself for yourself... LIKE THESE HERE... 





  • You get the study course in a special price.

  •  Which is offered just for a few days.

  • Just for you, as all our special subscribers in the site. 

  • After this period of time, the study course will be offered in its full price and not in sale. 

  • So, hurry up, if you already imagine yourself dressed in your new smart, easy style, without stress on how to add expensive items to your outfit and useless things. Feel elegant. 

  • The only you need to feel the study course's positive effect in your life, is an internet connection to download this home study course and passion to live in beauty.


I'm Marya Milagros, a Greek fashion & interior designer, stylist, writer. I've also studied, fabric design, color analysis, costume design, free style design, design on jewel, stamp, bag, hat, sandals & sketching, collage, decoupage, art of print, free painting on fabric, wall, furniture. My handmade creations are unique pieces by using a variety of materials & special technics.


Acting from infancy to follow the artistic paths, I abandoned study plans about the Philosophy faculty. During many years, respecting your preferences, I create custom made items, about wedding or special events, fashion accessories, clothing, home goods or gifts for everyone, in low prices, as I like to think as both artist & consumer. Addicted to music from all over the world.


My personal life 's shared between Greece & Cyprus enjoying traveling time. Adorable writing, books, dance, cooking-baking & foreign languages make me happy. I help creative people, who love to save money within fashion & decoration. Teaching my own study courses & giving live seminars, all available here on my official website: You can also try me as a consultant-stylist in person.


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